How to Measure for Vertical Blinds

How to Measure for Vertical Blinds 1

Gather Supplies

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of measuring your windows for vertical blinds, ensure you have all the necessary supplies: a tape measure, pencil, paper to record measurements, and a step-stool if needed.

How to Measure for Vertical Blinds 2

Measure the Width

The first step in measuring for vertical blinds is determining the width of the window. Start by measuring the inside of the window frame’s width in three locations: the top, middle, and bottom. Record the smallest measurement of the three to ensure that the blinds will fit inside the window frame properly. Complement your reading and expand your knowledge on the topic with this specially selected external content for you., uncover new perspectives and additional information!

Measure the Height

The next step is measuring the height of the window. Measure the inside of the window frame’s height from the top to the bottom in three locations: the left side, middle, and right side of the window frame. Record the smallest measurement of the three to ensure that the blinds will fit inside the window frame properly.

Check for Obstructions

After measuring, ensure there are no obstructions such as handles, locks, or cranks that could interfere with the installation of your vertical blinds. Measure the height and width of any obstructions and note them down, so your blinds can fit around them.

Add Extra for Overlap

Once you have your width and height measurements, add a few extra inches to ensure the blinds overlap the window frame properly. Experts recommend adding at least 3 to 4 inches to the width to allow for overlap and at least 2 inches to the height to provide adequate coverage.

Consider Levelling

If you’re measuring for vertical blinds for a series of windows in one room, take the time to ensure that they are all level. This will create a cohesive look and prevent the blinds from appearing crooked or uneven when drawn.

Get a Second Opinion

It’s always a good idea to have someone double-check your measurements before making a purchase. Ask a friend, family member, or a professional to ensure your measurements are accurate before placing your order.

Measuring for vertical blinds can be a daunting task, but with proper tools and a step-by-step guide, it can be done with ease. Follow these tips to ensure your vertical blinds fit your windows perfectly. Plunge further into the subject by visiting this suggested external site. Vertical Blackout Blinds, you’ll find more information and a different approach to the topic discussed.

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